a little intro on ME
Hi! My name is Lydia. I am a first year multimedia integration student at Vanier College. This is my first *serious* website. Continue reading to learn more about my skills, hobbies, and interests!
Considering the fact that I didn't choose this program at random, my interests obviously include messing around in Photoshop, HTML, and Illustrator. My first introduction to Photoshop and Illustrator was in high school. Although we didn't really go in depth, we had to use those programs for many projects over the years. I started learing HTML during the first COVID lockdown. My sister actually introduced me to it. We used a site called Neocities.(It's kind of like a social media for websites you make yourself.) She stopped working on her site after a couple of months, but I never realy stopped. Other than MMI related interests, I enjoy team sports, reading, baking, personalizing my clothes, and going to music shows.